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Updated: Sep 10, 2021

The best age to start piano lessons is typically between the ages of 6 and 9-years-old. While older students may have an easier time learning to play, students as young as 6-years-old can also learn since the keys of the piano are easy to operate. Depending on the student, even very young children under the age of five can begin to explore the piano. After all, Mozart famously started to play piano at 3-years-old!

7 Signs your child is ready to learn Piano

  1. They are mature and can follow instructions.

  2. They are ready to practice.

  3. They can focus for at least 30 mins.

  4. They are a motivated learner.

  5. They can count to 10.

  6. They can tell left from right.

  7. They have basic motors skills.

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